
Govinda, Amrish Puri & Other Actors Meme Templates

Tohar jabaan toh aisa chalat hai
Le nikaal photu
Bohot bohot dhanyawad
Are ye saala idhar kya kar rha hai
Me jaa raha hu tere baap ke paas
Inne utha kar kachre ke dabbe mai fek dena chahiye
Tum hi ne meri zindagi kharab ki hai
Tu wapas de ye saare gift
Galti kisi bhi ho,…
Mujhe iss investigation ka hissa…

By Memes Templates

One stop destination for all meme templates. Here you will find all the meme templates. We collect these templates from movies, TV and web shows and funny photos shared on social media. We do our best to provide high quality popular meme templates.

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▪Best Quality Meme Templates
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